
By Richard H. Knight Jr.
Camp 28 ~ Nashville

I have seen many examples of the flag planted in northern soil.
Here are some examples.

(1) There is a junkyard (old autos) just south of the Rhode Island/Connecticut line along I-95. As you drive south and enter Connecticut, look to your right. There is a huge battle flag flying from a tall flagpole on the property.

(2) There is a B&B on the left side of the road in Dexter, Dover, or possibly, Abbott, Maine (on the way to Moosehead Lake) that flies a flag out front, rain or shine. I will verify the town's name when I drive to Maine early next year for ice fishing.

(3) There is a house on the left side of the road just as you are leaving Orr Island and crossing the bridge to Bailey Island, in Maine, that flies a battle flag. These two islands are reached from Brunswick, Maine.

(4) There is a house on the left side of the road as you are approaching Land's End on the Harpswell Peninsula, in Harpswell, Maine, that flies a battle flag. It's across from Mrs. Bibber's lobster shack. Harpswell is reached via Brunswick, Maine.

(5) There is a motorcycle shop in St. Albans, Vermont that flies a battle flag. It's not far from the Methodist Church where Lt. Bennett Young, CSA, worshipped just before leading his men against the three banks in St. Albans (October 1864). (I have a slide. I use it in my St. Albans presentation.)

(6) There is a gas station on the Maryland/Virginia border on the eastern shore. It's on the right as you are driving south on the main highway (U.S. #13, I think, which connects Dover, Delaware, Salisbury, Maryland, and Virginia Beach, Virginia). It has a huge sign out in front with a battle flag on it, and it is illuminated.

Of course, my favorite Confederate outpost is the "20th Maine" shop in Freeport, Maine. Calling it the 20th Maine is one thing, but inside, you will find talk of secession, sedition, and rebellion.

What are some other examples of our northern invasion?
Can anyone add to the list?

I have always thought it would be a good SCV project to honor citizens who have planted the flag in the northland, whether or not they are SCV members.

BTW, I was born in Maryland! My mother lived in Orange, Virginia for the nine months she carried me, but

when I was ready, she had herself driven to the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda to get the free medical care there, since Dad was in the Navy! It doesn't matter. I am a citizen of Maryland (land of birth), Virginia (land of ancestors), and Tennessee (land of my lovely wife of 32 years, a Jackson belle).

I am fiercely proud of my tenuous connection to Maryland, however. The Boys from Baltimore stoned the Yankees as they marched through town, and the Washington War Lord jailed the state legislature and suspended habeas corpus just as the legislators were about to approve a secession resolution.
And when we talk of an earlier war for independence, and consider the magnificent victory at Cowpens (considered by military historians as the most brilliant military victory in the history of warfare, this side of Hannibal at Cannae and Forrest at Brice's Cross Roads), what troops do we think of? The Maryland Continental Line! (And the Boys from Delaware, too.)

Dick Knight, Camp 28
Nashville - rhklwk@worldnet.att.net


1. Y'all shalt always remember y'alls manners.

2. Y'all shalt make no fuss over y'alls selves.

3. Y'all shalt not sass y'alls mama.

4. Y'all shalt always wonder what y'alls daddy would think.

5. Y'all shalt always talk the way y'all growed up.

6. Y'all shalt tell no whoppers unless y'all are in a situation where y'all are expected to.

7. Y'all shalt demonstrate y'alls great faith by the way y'all drive.

8. Y'all shalt always clean y'alls plate.

9. Y'all shalt hold kinfolk in high regard, regardless of what you really think of 'em.

10. Y'all shalt always remember where y'all come from.

* * * * * * * * *


Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.

George R. Kirkpatrick