Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest
Forrest Cavalry Corps.
Camp 155
Tullahoma, Tennessee
Commander: | Dr Michael L. Bradley | 931-455-0702 | |
1st Lt. Commander: | Larry Bowers | 931-649-5766 | |
2nd Lt. Commander: | f.l. | ||
Adjutant & Treasurer:
Communications Officer |
Charles Mitchell
Robert Boswell |
931-455-3851 |
Newsletter Editor: | Kay Muse | 615-812-3700 | |
Chaplain: | Dr. M. Bradley | 931-455-0702 | |
Color Sergeant: | Don Thompson | 931-455-0190 | |
Camp Webmaster: | Charles Mitchell | 931-461-1089 |
Dr. J. B. Cowan
Camp #155 in Tullahoma is named for Dr. J. B. Cowan, Chief Surgeon of Forrest's Cavalry Corps. J. B. Cowan was born in Lincoln County where his father was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister in Fayetteville. Dr. Cowan received his medical education in Philadelphia and was practicing medicine in Meridianville, Alabama, when the war began. He joined the army and went to Memphis along with other men from the general area who were led by The Reverend David C. Kelley (later Colonel Kelley). When Forrest formed his brigade Cowan was assigned to serve with it and stayed with Forrest for the rest of the war.
Cowan had a lively sense of humor and was often spoken of as "the life of the staff's encampment." He personally attended Forrest when he was wounded and once lanced a boil on the general's butt. Cowan later said that was the most dangerous duty he performed during the entire war since the boil was especially painful. After the war Dr. Cowan was active in several veterans organizations, including the UCV and the association formed by the Escort and Staff of General Forrest.
Cowan was related to the Montgomery family, the family of Mrs. Forrest. After the war Cowan moved to Tullahoma, a town on the railroad where there was more business for a surgeon, and lived here the rest of his life. On his death in 1909 he was buried in the town cemetery. A Confederate marker will be placed on his grave this fall.
Notes by:
Michael R. Bradley
Life Member
Camp #155 Chief Medical Director of Forrest's Cavalry Corps
Dr. J. B. Cowan Camp
Camp 155
The Civil War Research Center
Dr. Michael Bradley
Commander, Tennessee Division
Life member of the SCV and Camp 155
This section covers
Reunions-Letters-Pictures-Roster of the Dead
The Tullahoma Seminar
Held on February 9 at the Tullahoma Event Center
Ross Moore singing
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SCV Camp 155 holds its regular monthly meetings the second Tuesday of each month at the C.D. Stamps Community Center 810 S. Jackson Street, Tullahoma, TN. 37388 Room 111, 7:00 pm
The meeting time is 7:00 p.m. for additional information contact The Camp Adjutant: Charles Mitchell, 931-461-1089
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WEBSITE UPDATED...09/19/2012
In 1896, the Sons of Confederate Veterans was founded by the veterans and progeny of veterans who fought in the War Between the States. The Sons of Confederate Veterans was established as, and remains, an independent organization that supports the protection and preservation of Confederate heritage. Current members are descendants of the original defenders of Confederate heritage and are not aligned or affiliated with any other organization.
To that end, please be advised that the Sons of Confederate Veterans has provided this list of Web Sites for the convenience of its patrons. The Sons of Confederate Veterans assumes no responsibility for the subject matter of these Sites, nor does it guarantee that the contents of these Web Site pages are in keeping with SCV policy. -- SCV Webmaster