The ROBERT E. LEE CAMP, SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, is a historic preservation organization serving the Germantown/Memphis, Tennessee area. As the name implies, the SCV is made up of living descendants of the soldiers and civil servants of the Confederate States of America. If you live in the South, it’s very likely that one or more of your ancestors fought in the War for Southern Independence or at the bare minimum were affected by it. We study and promote the true history of the Confederate States of America and of the men and women who sacrificed their all in a struggle for what was their constitutional right as citizens of sovereign states - freedom and independence from what even then was in their view a Federal Government out of control and for their very right to exist as a nation.
Our members share a common birthright as Southerners and descendants of those who served the Confederate States of America. We take justifiable pride in our Confederate forebears, who fought and died for the cause in which they believed which was nothing more than a system of government as it was meant to be by the Constitution. There are some in today’s politically correct environment who wish to alter history to make that cause about singular issues that suit their own narrative and objectives. Historical documents and evidence from those who were there shows that they are wrong.
The Lee Camp has a covenanted responsibility to preserve the Christian principles held by the Southern people which led to their decision to defend constitutional self-government. Our mission is to preserve the memory and the good name of the noble soldiers, civil servants, and loyal citizens of the Confederate States of America, and the cause for which they fought and died.
If you love history, or are interested in perpetuating the ideals that motivated your Confederate ancestor, the SCV needs you. Our meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Monday of each month (except December) at 7:00 pm at the Tennessee Genealogical Society Library, 7779 Poplar Pike (next to the tennis courts and Germantown High School in Germantown [ MAP ] ). Speakers include distinguished authors, historians and collectors presenting interesting and varied topics such as the southern leaders, battles, weapons, relics and life in the south. The meetings are announced in most local newspapers, or you may call us for further information.
The Lee Camp has a covenanted responsibility to preserve the Christian principles held by the Southern people which led to their decision to defend constitutional self-government. Our mission is to preserve the memory and the good name of the noble soldiers, civil servants, and loyal citizens of the Confederate States of America, and the cause for which they fought and died.
If you love history, or are interested in perpetuating the ideals that motivated your Confederate ancestor, the SCV needs you. Our meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Monday of each month (except December) at 7:00 pm at the Tennessee Genealogical Society Library, 7779 Poplar Pike (next to the tennis courts and Germantown High School in Germantown [ MAP ] ). Speakers include distinguished authors, historians and collectors presenting interesting and varied topics such as the southern leaders, battles, weapons, relics and life in the south. The meetings are announced in most local newspapers, or you may call us for further information.
Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans
"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish." Lt. Gen. Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General, United Confederate Veterans, Apr. 15, 1906
A Note From Your Webmaster

And now, with the launch of this new design, I hope the site continues to be a fresh, inviting and useful place for us to meet on the web!