Aden-Cunningham Cemetery Cleanup

On Saturday February 14, 2004 the members of SCV Camp 2034 answered the call to service and put in a hard days work cleaning up the Aden-Cunningham Cemetery in Fairview, TN. The Cemetery is the final resting place of Pvt. John F. Cunnningham of Baxter's Battery. The area was very overgrown with brush and fallen trees. Thirteen members and eight guests put their gloves on and took up their tools and by lunch time the job was done.

Here are some before shots from 2 different angles.

Here is the after shot, WOW what a difference. Notice that fence the group is standing behind? You could hardly see it in the pictures above.

Compatriot Larry Stinson gave a demonstration on "Grave Witching" the art of finding graves. He also demonstrated how to tell whether a man or woman was buried in the grave. Several members doubted the process until they tried it themselves and were amazed at how it worked and they were turned into believers!

More Pictures of our hard working members.



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