Friday, December 7, 2007
Cemetery Signs Placed by Sons of Confederate Veterans
Members of Capt. Ed Baxter Camp 2034 Sons of Confederate Veterans in Fairview have purchased and are placing signs at area family cemeteries where Confederate soldiers are buried. The cemeteries are located in Williamson, Hickman and Dickson counties.
According to camp historian Larry Stinson, people from all over the country come to this area seeking the burial sites of their ancestors while doing family genealogy. Having signs at the cemeteries will give the researchers and others the name of the cemetery.
Like other areas, many of the rural family cemeteries in Fairview are overgrown and neglected. Several have been destroyed by development or "farmed over." Camp member Carl Walker Sr. calls the condition of family cemeteries a social tragedy. "People are too busy to take time to care for their ancestors' grave sites and many will not donate money for cemetery upkeep." Walker said.
Photo caption: Members of Captain Ed Baxter Camp 2034 Sons of Confederate Veterans in Fairview have purchased and are placeing signs at area family cemeteries whre Confederate soldiewrs are buried. The cemeteries are located in Williamson, Hickman and Disckson counties.