We chartered with 8 men reinstated from other camps along with 11 new members. We add new members to the rolls every month and have attained 70 members in only 3 years.
Despite being a young camp we have some very active members and have several worthwhile projects under our charge. Our most ambitious task is raising $48,000 to conserve the huge 20th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry’s silk battle flag. (We have raised nearly half this large amount with our annual Confederate Flag Benefit.) Next we help with the upkeep on General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s log home in Chapel Hill. (At the moment we are rebuilding the stone fences in front of the cabin.) Since our camp is named for his horse, we felt obligated to help Mr. Gene Andrews with this honorable task. We also are host to the growing “Tennessee Soldier’s Photo Project” that has over 3,000 identified Confederate and Union photos from the Volunteer State. (It is open to the public and please consider adding your ancestors to our files.) And, of course, we mark soldier’s graves, defend school mascots, and what ever else falls under General Stephen D Lee’s charge to the SCV.

Be proud of our unique heritage and ride like you would with Forrest!