Sam Davis - Boy Hero of the Confederacy
Tennessee State Capitol Nashville, Tennessee
The most important day on the Confederate calendar arrives
year on Saturday, June 6, 2009 when hundreds of camps throughout
the United States will celebrate Confederate Decoration Day or,
alternatively, Confederate Memorial Day. No day is more important
to our heritage!
In Tennessee, state law recognizes Confederate Decoration Day
as a day of remembrance, reflection, commemoration and celebration.
It is the day when all Tennesseans are encouraged to honor the
Volunteer State's Confederate heritage, its Confederate heroes,
and the Confederacy's president, Jefferson Davis,
who was born on June 3, 1808, in nearby Fairview, Kentucky.
Each year, the Joseph E. Johnston Camp 28 marks Confederate Decoration Day by conducting
a dignified and patriotic ceremony at the Sam Davis Monument on
the southwest grounds of the Tennessee State Capitol. This annual event
includes a multi-volley salute from local re-enactors, prayer, oratory,
music, refreshments, fellowship and flags.
The ceremony will begin promptly at 10 A.M., Saturday, June 6, 2009 on the
grounds of the Tennessee State Capitol. Everyone is invited.
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