
As members of a military intelligence operation, the men who did service in the Coleman Scouts were unlikely to find
their names listed on any formal roster. It is generally believed that all of the scouts originally began their service as regularly enlisted members of a variety of Confederate military units, and were detailed to the Scouts for a variety of reasons, including
their personal fortitude and a detailed knowledge of both the people and terrain of the area in which they were to operate. Some sources say that as many as a hundred men may have served at one time or another in the organization, but only those
41 men whose names appear below are mentioned in contemporary sources. In personal reminiscences, members of the
Scouts mentioned others ~~ civilian men, boys too young for regular service, blacks, and courageous women ~~ who regularly gave them aid and assistance of an invaluable nature. The names of some of those persons are also listed below.
Detailed accounts of the lives and service of some of the Scouts are available. For others, the only record is the mention
of their names by other Scouts.
- Shaw, Henry B., Captain
- Anderson, Richard B.
- Brown, Joshua
- Brown, Tom (J. Thomas)
- Carter, Hans
- Carter, Jim
- Coffee, Jack
- Cotton, Robert F.
- Davis, John
- Davis, Samuel
- Dillard, Dick (Richard M.)
- Douglas, Alfred H.
- Drane, John
- English, Polk
- Everett, Kage (Micajah)
- Grant, E.
- Gregg, Alex
- Gwinn, Tom
- Herbert, George Washington Sneed
- Hughes, George D.
- Hughes, Tom
- Humphreys, Pillow
- Jobe, Dewitt Smith Dee
- Joplin, Thomas M.
- Kelley, Hick
- Kibble, Gup
- Lippingwell, Charley
- Luck, Josh
- McIver, John
- Moore, William J. Billy
- Owens, Bob
- Patterson, Everard Meade
- Patterson, James T.
- Porch, William H. Buck
- Roberts, Bill (William or Will)
- Roberts, Sam
- Robinson, Bill T.
- Schute, John (Shute, J. M.)
- Sneed, Dan
- Street, Munford (William Montfort)
- Vaughn, Newton Jasper Newt
Unofficial Members:
- Davis, Oscar
- English, Houston (Black)
- Woodruff, Billy or Willie
- Carter, Sally
- Patterson, Mary Kate
- Woodruff, Robbie

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