West Tennessee Memorial Flag Project
Participant Form

This is your chance to participate in this wonderful project! You can memorialize your business, your family or your Confederate Ancestor on the memorial walk of the West Tennessee Flag Memorial. We need your help in completing this beautiful memorial. Names of your CONFEDERATE ancestor can be engraved on the brick pavers in the promenade, or you can purchase the rights to trees or decorative shrubs entitling you to a plaque when you complete and send in the donation form below.

This memorial will educate visitors on the vast scope of the conflict in Tennessee during the War Between the States. The 80’ flag pole and the huge 30’ x50’ flag can be seen for miles around. Your donation is tax deductable, and will allow the SCV to erect the flag pole and memorial, and all the landscaping required.

We are counting on you to Rally to the Colors! Please make your donation today!

Your email is used to send you a receipt for electronic donations.

$100 I cannot contribute right now

(Format: mm-yyyy)

(f paying by check)
