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William H. Wiseman

Capt. WisemanPictured is William H. Wiseman, Captain of Co. G, 43rd Tennessee Infantry. Wiseman was born April 1, 1829 near Jersey, Davidson Co., North Carolina. He enlisted at age 30 as a private, on October 19, 1861 at Knoxville.

Promoted to Captain on April 27, 1863, Wiseman was wounded and captured at Vicksburg. Paroled there, he transferred to a special department of the quartermaster before being captured again at Woodstock, Virginia in September of 1864.
He sat out the remainder of the war in the federal prison at Ft. Delaware, from which he was released on June 10, 1865 after taking the oath of allegiance.

Post-war he married the former Florina Eliza Roberson, with whom he raised five children. Wiseman died March 10, 1911, in San Antonio, Texas.

Submitted by Dale Wiseman, Sterling Price Camp 145, SCV.
